Placing an order during the Dates harvest time.

As we are getting close to the end of summer most businesses in the Dates and Dried fruits industry asks more about the procedure of ordering Dates during the harvest time. in previous articles, we explained the reason for buying Dates during harvest this now we provide complimentary for whom this type of purchase is...

Everything you need to know about Mazafati Dates.

Mazafati Date price in Iran When it comes to a popular product like Mazafati Dates it mean the competition is very high and accordingly the Mazafati price has become important in all regards. Mazafati dates like all other Iranian Dates does not have a fixed price but fortunately, Mazafati date has a very reasonable price...


What are raisins?  Raisins are ripe and dried fruits of grapes that are sold under different names in the market about the type of grapes, the method, and conditions of drying, and the additives. They can be found throughout the year like other nuts.  Characteristics of Raisin  Raisins are full of Iron, potassium, calcium, and...

when to import Mazafati Dates

Why buying Mazafati Dates at the beginning of the harvest? This article will be definitely useful for those business partners and Date importers who are in the Dates industry or want to enter this industry, three most common questions I’ve been hearing during the last 10 years are Dates in bulk or consumer packs? When...